Our 'Lunch in a Trunk' Escape
It’s no lie that this lockdown, or for nicer lingo ‘safer at home’ county rule, is going to make lots of us crazy. I know for myself and my best friend, it’s SO true. Two and a half weeks without a fun place to get out of the house with the kids in tow is taxing on my brain.
We normally see our best friends 3-4 days a week, sit on their couch at least once a week, and have all kinds of ‘play dates’ in between there. Ashley and I are the kind of best friends that literally do everything together. We always laugh at how much we’re always on the same wavelength with such random things. She’s totally my person and I couldn’t do life without her…. and I can’t do COVID-19 without her either.
This sucks ya’ll. Like, I’m mentally smart enough to know that we.are.so.blessed. I know how lucky I am to have a healthy family. I know how lucky I am that my husband still has a job to pay for our needs. We are doing okay… but that doesn’t take away the fact that this is harrrrrd. My hubby has been working extra long days; my brain says GRATEFUL, STILL HAS A JOB, while my emotions are like comeeeee homeeeeeeee noooowwwwww. The kids are having a hard time with everyyyyything; brain says IT’S OKAY TO BE BORED, emotions say come here baby let’s cry together. I am needed in so many ways; brain says YOUR FAMILY LOVES YOU SO STINKIN MUCH, but my emotions say I just wanna lock myself in this room right quick, okayyyyyy.
Point here friends, this isn’t easy. We’re going to have hard days; and quite frankly, today was one of those days for us over here. Today I’m so grateful for my best friend. She honestly always helps me outta my funks, and today was a day needed.
I complained like a 13 year old whiney kid on the phone for way longer than she should have let me, and then we planned to have a Chick-fil-A lunch in the trunks of our cars. We rode scooters 6 feet away from each other, or tried to at least, used enough hand sanitizer to burn your fingerprints off and made the best memories…. These. are. the. days.
Moral of the story (*ahem, blog post), get yourself a best friend like Ashley.